Dissemination event in Romania – TWIW project

Coming back from a training course which was entitled ‘’Turning Waste into Worth’’ that took place in Torremolinos, I felt the need of sharing my experience, but the most important knowledge and information I have gained during the program.

This way, I have organized a workshop with my colleagues from University, where we’ve discussed on the subjects like circular economy, consequences and the impact of our actions for the environment and many more. During more than half an hour, we have separated in two groups and had a debate on plastic use and about the steps we could take in order to be efficient. Everybody got involved, moreover they said that this kind of activities are very welcomed if we want to form an educated and well informed society!

“Turning Waste into Worth” (TWIW) project was a mobility of youth workers which aimed of equipping youth workers with the skills and knowledge needed for the development of innovative programs in circular economy and being able to engage youth communities to re-think the economic system they are experiencing every day, and act upon it.

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