July 4, 2016

Other Services

International Network

PROJUVEN built a strong network between European Organizations, Universities and Enterprises. Thanks to our stable network we can connect different professional profiles in various international projects ensuring a great collective development


Research is one of the axes of our organization. We engage in research dealing with a wide variety of Europe-related topics. Our actual research lines are:

  • The orientation of the European cooperation in terms of education, youth and employment towards Middle East, Latin America and Asia
  • Needs analysis for an effective digital and green transition to lead Europe’s recovery
  • Possibilities and difficulties that the scientific cooperation lines of the Horizon Europe and EuropeAid programmes may offer
  • The decentralized European cooperation in Middle East
  • Policies of social and labour inclusion for women deprived of freedom in Spain and other European countries
  • Human Rights: Studies of Memory. Current perspectives and new scenarios

Visibility, coordination and project

Visibility is a phenomenon that varies across regions, actors and their actions. It represents an essential dimension in the organizational dynamic and gains the institutions an acknowledgement as well as a motivational and practical factor for it to handle its international projection.
The strategy of information systems allows organizations to gain a balanced visibility over their own development, preventing their geographical situations from being a limit.
Asociación PROJUVEN offers the possibility to both open up to internationalization and search for competitive partners in Europe and Latin America. It offers structural relations with European and Latin American networks; it makes possible to carry out strategic events as well as visibility actions in strategic sectors in both Europe and Latin America but also to identify, formulate, present, manage, monitor and execute projects.
The configuration of the consortium is regularly under scrutiny in the process of evaluation of European projects. It is vital to know the potential partners’ organizations in order to make an effective and adequate association. With more visibility, the products, services and actors both bring about more chances for peer discussions, better associations and more sustainable projections and definitely obtain better evaluations.

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