TC – Unlock headspace – Kobuleti, Georgia

When: 27th September – 5th October, 2021

Where: Kobuleti, Georgia

Application deadline: 10th of September, 2021


The project “Unlock headspace – Education for youth wellbeing, self-care and empowerment” intends to create innovation and improve the capacities of youth organizations and youth workers to foster youth participation. While working on youth empowerment and value-based youth-led activism in local communities, it got obvious for all project partners that it is essential for young people to learn skills for creating community, a sense of belonging, while at the same time they need to have tools at hand ensuring that they feel self-confident, well and happy with their identity and role in society.

Consequently, the project aims to strengthen the capacities of (youth) organisations in supporting young people`s health and personal well-being and contribute to young people`s empowerment as active citizens.

The project consists of two educational mobilities.
Activity 1: Training course 1 – Understanding mindfulness and embodiment as tools in youth work
Activity 2: Training course 2 – Practicing mindfulness education for youth

The project involves the following countries: Armenia, Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Spain and Ukraine.

Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to € 530 (airplanes, trains and buses; NOTE: Taxis are not included). Food and accommodation will be provided free of charge.

We are looking for 3 Spanish participants or residing in Spain (18+).

At the end of the project all participants will receive a certificate of participation “Youthpass”.

If you are interested contact us

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