Online dissemination event – GJGJ

After the training course “Good Jobs Green Jobs” (GJGJ), Jānis Segliņš from Latvia had the chance to share his new knowledge to his colleagues, making them aware of the project topic, activities and general Erasmus + experience.

During an online meeting he presented his personal experience from the project week in Spain, the lessons learnt about the green economy and the need of acquiring green skills. After the presentation, the participants were invited to think about what each of them can do in order to improve our future and make it more green, as well as Jānis provided his colleagues with more materials and information that were presented and used during the training week in Spain. As Jānis said: “This makes me think I should keep spreading the word thus helping people be aware of both Erasmus+ and Green thinking.” 🙂

Below we are sharing some photos from the presentation he has prepared for his colleagues about our training course. 

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