The KA2 Strategic Partnership “TURNOnline” was officially started with the kick off meeting on 8th November in Barcelona, Spain. Coordinator of this project is from Barcelona and the other partner NGOs are InterMedi@KT from Greece, GEYC from Romania, Asociación Projuven from Málaga, Spain, Egyesek Youth Association from Hungary, Stowarzyszenie Projektów Międzynarodowych INPRO from Poland and Alternativi International from Bulgaria.
The main aim of this project is to promote the idea of Digital Transformation for youth organizations, working in the field of peace projects and Human Rights, in order to increase social impact of their actions. During the project implementation (September 2017 – April 2019) we are going to investigate, share good practices, learn and create educational materials within following areas: digital management, online communication, digital tools for nonformal education and online activism. Share and learn with us!
Official webpage of TURNOnline project:
And if you are curios what is next in our project agenda take a look at the infographic below.