We are very glad to share with you that Tackle Hate e-learning courses are already available!
The e-learning materials will provide youth workers and professionals working in the field of youth work with the necessary knowledge to be able once completed all the modules to develop new skills in the field of online hate speech and to understand how socialmedia is used to recruit followers to the hate speech narrative and their influence on young people.
Tackle Hate MOODLE platform consists of the following modules:
Module 1 – Hate Speech definition. Specific case of refugees as victims of hate speech. Counter Alternatives. Human Rights Education.
Module 2 – European and national legislation and policies. Good examples of internal policies.
Module 3 – Youth workers key competencies and tools to develop those. Social media literacy.
Module 4 – Motivating young people to proactively contribute for a Hate Free community. Campaigning and other tools.
There are no entry requirements for this course. The course is an Open Educational Resource (OER). On completion of the e-learning courses you will receive a certificate issued on behalf of Tackle Hate consortium. Enjoy!